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Here you will find information on attractions and museums, attractions, places of interest in the wider region in Metsovo.
Bridge helmets (Stampeki)
Located near the village of skulls and specifically on the road leading from the Dogwood Milia Metsovo, northwest of the skull and a short distance from it.
Spans the stream that flows into the river near the Venetikos sources. It was built around 1850 and served mainly the passage of merchants.
The bridge was completely restored in 2006 under an existing file photo, 2002 did not have the bridge parapets (protective structures on either side of the bridge deck) and Arcadia (vertical stones that serve as barriers).
The rehabilitation of the bridge, was added by the manufacturer.
Flegga lakes
At an altitude of 1960m. and 1940m. two stunning ponds up to subalpine highlands mountain in Montenegro Flegga. These lakes are forming the symbol of the region, associated with many legends. Have water throughout the year and in different waters live amphibians like newts (Triturus alpestris) and toads (Bombina variegate, Rana graeca).
There are (3) trails leading to lakes Flegga:
The first starts from Arkoudomera at its intersection with the stream "Memories", the second of the stream "Salatoura" and the third of the col "Salatoura Milia" and follows the ridge of Montenegro. Ride time 3-4 hours
Also on the side of Metsovo is labeled P6 path that follows the forest road up the mountain refuge of Metsovo municipality and then following the ridge of Montenegro into the lakes or on top of Fleggas. Ride time from the shelter 1,5 to 2 hours. Also there is another path that starts from the location "White stones 'and ends in' Ears Fleggas" (ride time about 1 hour) and then to Lagos Fleggas.
Finally from the village across the Vovousa "Arkoudorema" uphill path that leads there is so plain to Valia Caldas (ride time from 4.5 to 5 hours) and the Lakes Fleggas (ride time of about 7 hours).
Vasilitsa Ski Center
Set in an enchanting environment in the northwestern part of the prefecture of Grevena, within 42 km. From the capital of the prefecture, in the heart of the immortal Pindos is the National Ski Center Vassilitsa.
Set in an enchanting environment in the northwestern part of the prefecture of Grevena, within 42 km. From the capital of the prefecture, in the heart of the immortal Pindos is the National Ski Center Vassilitsa.
The nature of the Pindos remains unchanged over time, the same dark green color of conifers, the same chiliochromi beech, oak itself immortal, the only difference being that those first seasons, they marched forest creatures that no longer exist as the mammoth discovered in our county and the coexistence inspired signal E.Ch.K.Vasilitsas skier at mammoth tusks.
This greatness of Pindos urged early 1975 a group of romantic people, to create the Ski Mountaineering Association to implement then a utopia. SKI CENTRE IN VASILITSA. And they did it by pushing the central government to finance the first lifts the saddle Vassilitsa - Gomara length 1060 m. Altitude at 1788-2060 m. (Altitude. Chg. 272 m.).
The lift that carries 800 skiers per hour and works today. Installation and construction of a model because the track has received little intervention as the quantity and quality of snow is excellent. In the following years the idea of tourism development in the Department. Grevena main pole ski Vassilitsa becoming more fans who speak flattering for the possibilities of Vassilitsa, defying the discomfort go to reach the (dirt, Lift with amateur pilots, inaccessible slopes, heavy snowfall exceeding 2 meters, few buildings. Vasilitsa but still fascinates and attracts more and more visitors from many parts of Greece.
In 1991 Alpine Skiing Association grants the General Secretariat of Sports infrastructure created, ie. Sliding the lift, the chionostrotira and chalets, to set up a Public Entity, with a seven-member governing body committee office two years and named National Ski Vassilitsa center.
In 1993, joining the 1st public. Framework funding made by the Local Union in place Liosoro Galani two aerial lifts, one seater length 991.40 m. elevation at 1642.5 to 1825.26 (altitude. Chg. 182.76 m.) capacity 1800 skiers per hour, a two seater length 845.60 m . altitude in 1797 - 2110 (altitude. Chg. 313 m.) capacity of 1800 skiers per hour, and a beginner's lift 300 m. lengths.
The efforts of the government and the prefecture of Grevena continued and in 1998 adopted the study of the environmental conditions of the ski center and granted 460,238 acres. Ministry of Agriculture in G.G.Athlitismou breakthrough that solves the problems of planning and studies for construction necessary infrastructure and buildings that are beginning to protect this amazing environment from arbitrary and uncontrolled construction.
In 2000 the second integrated together. Chassis made from Grevena Prefecture 2 lifts and a place for beginners to Balntouma. Lifts are the first named Migdanis length of 800 m. Altitude at 1810-2034 m., And the second with the name Timfea length of 980 meters. at an altitude of 1774 - 2040 give new perspectives and opportunities to ski, raising the capacity and ranking the first in Northern Greece. All ski lifts serving various difficulties and slip total length 22 Km, which have not received external interventions have retained its natural beauty and are a great advantage Vassilitsa.
Two ski center designated by the FIS Olympic specifications, track Jupiter (the lift) length: 1000 m. - 289 m altitude difference. (1814 -2103) GS - SL and track Timfea a) length: 760 m. Altitude difference 254 m. (1780 -2034) and b) of length 950 m. altitude difference 290 m. (1744 -2034).
The E.Ch.K.Vasilitsas currently operates with full authorization of the electrical and building installation. Which makes the E.Ch.K.Vasilitsas the first in Greece to environmental permits and authorization.
A big problem is still the operation at the end of the passage of N.3057 / 24.9.2002 "amending and supplementing N.2725 / 99 setting the Ministry of Culture and other provisions" which became the foundation of the Agency administration and operation of E.CH.K.V .. Thus the body function and command center will solve the chronic problems of the temporary staff who tirelessly offered his services longer than a decade. Also the inclusion in funding the construction of a ski chalet host and the car park at the base of the three-seater chair, a total value of 3.5 million euros, will raise the quality of services and customer ratings.
The Vassilitsa invited to play a pioneering role in winter tourism and widely throughout the year with a variety of actions and interventions and are ready for this role. Plans and visions do not stop. It has the capability and will be able to surpass itself in all development programs, why is a major growth driver of Law. Grevena and all of Northern Pindos and the effort was supported and accompanied by the struggles and aspirations of all Grevenioton, surnames and anonymous.
Finally we must thank all the authorities and members of the Ski Mountaineering Club of Grevena and the members of each governing body E.Ch.K.Vasilitsas, providing important in the development of the ski resort.